Monday, November 1, 2010

"Time to restore diverted unemployment funds"

The article titled "White calls on Perry to restore diverted unemployment funds" by RG Ratcliffe reports on why white called Perry to return the Texas Workforce Commission that was diverted to Texas Enterprise Fund. In the article, the author picks up the fallen sword and tries to make a point with given facts that the unemployment fund is always under-funded in economic downturns and I completely agree with him. Perry's action has led to tax increase on small businesses. His policies doubled the pay-roll taxes that are clearly affecting the job growth.

In a counter argument, the author has taken up a very sensitive issue and tried to deal with it in a very simplified way, a little "too simplified" I would say. The author has quoted that "the news media has linked Perry's enterprise fund financing of companies to donations received by his campaign.” Radcliffe proves his point by saying that all these politicians are trying to use the money for other enhanced benefits which is very true. After Perry, the trust fund has become empty. I found out after my research that all these dollars are giver to countless campaign contributors for Perry. There are few major reforms Texans are expecting which are just minor for all these politicians if they act smart. First of all, restore diverted funds that is $161.5 million Secondly, audit the enterprise fund used for subsidies and finally, disclose the plan for repaying borrowed federal stimulus funds.

An expert’s opinion on this issue is totally similar with what the author says. Personally as a keen observer of current events, I would rate the article an 8 on a scale from 1 to 10.I actually liked working on Ratcliffe's work but moreover the language of the article in itself does not seem convincing enough for such a sensitive issue and is flamboyant and casual, more suited for an article on celebrities and their ever happening gossip. Well, just a thought of mine.

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