Friday, December 10, 2010

Casino :Big NOOOO

My Colleague, Paul Lanchester’s post titled, “CASINOS? A GRAET DEAL” talks about legalizing Casinos in order to overcome budget problem. Well, I don’t believe that casinos in Texas are a great idea. It will promote more illegal activities such as thefts, fights, and alleged cheaters –dealers. It will make it easier for other illegal activities and other types of gambling. Texas would need to spend a lot more money on different type of law enforcement. My dear classmate, Paul, states that casinos will bring tourism in Texas. I do agree with him to some point but we Texans don’t really want to risk our state. It’s guaranteed that Texas will make lot of money and attract tourism but at what price? Wake up people.

 Legalizing casinos means government is going to get more money out of people for a bad cause. I completely see what Paul is trying to say here. Even I have also seen people driving to Louisiana because there is no gambling here in Austin, TX. I am sorry Paul, but I personally think that gambling is immoral. It’s just a waste of time and money. Anyways, Texas has already legalized some forms of gambling to help balance the state budget and established a lottery almost two decades ago. And now, we don’t need to legalize casinos at all, its not worth it. I understand this philosophy Texan has, including Paul of wanting casinos. Believe me, Texas is a great state with a diverse communities, that’s what I named my blog too.People have good values here. Please TEXANS, rethink your stand on permitting casinos.